
I've been interested in cycling for as long as I can remember. I absolutely love getting on two wheels and exploring the countryside. unfortunately living in London there's limited oportunites to fly along country lanes or struggle up gravel paths. So most of the time I have to settle for riding my road bike around the quieter stretches of north London

Photo of road running through hills in scotland

When I can find the time I like to dust of the gravel bike and do some bikepacking. While bikepacking the aim is to travel reasonably light, only carrying what you need for your ride. As a chronic overpacker I struggle with this aspect of the hobby a fair bit. So I figure I should share a checklist of what to take on your adventure (as much for my benefit as for yours)

Packing list

and of course your bike!!

In April I will be taking some time out to do the dorset old chalkway a route starting from the dorset coast and finishing 370 miles later on the coast of Norfolk.

If we're being totally honest I spend far more time lusting over new parts or thinking about how to build up my next bike than I do actually in the saddle. I've had the opportunity to build a couple of frames for myself. My friend and I are slowly collecting up the tools required to make some more frames So maybe soon you'll be off bikepacking on one of my frames!